Monday, February 9, 2009


Barnacle, you are attached, and for all the good it may have done you in the past, you'll get no goodness here. This ship has places to sail and can't float with your weight on her hull. You'll not leave me 'till I scrape you from my skin. You'll not leave me 'till I throw you to the sea.
Eskimo, you've had this igloo far too long. These chunks of hard-packed snow need to be water again; need to be free. I'm going to leave you now, so leave me be.
Mother, you gave me life. I'm thankful, but the fact that you gave it to me means it is no longer yours. The tightness with which you grip dictates that this will not be easy, and so I score along the lines separating you from me, and I cut us apart.

In case there's any confusion...
Angel, this isn't about you. We've already sorted our shit out, and I'm glad of it. :)

1 comment:

  1. would have been silly to leave the one who's already left and leaving

    so i say if she gives you any more lemons, slice them girl. Razor style.
